High Rate SEVIRI IR10.8 μm Image - MSG - 0 degree
Rectified (level 1.5) Meteosat SEVIRI image data. The data is transmitted as High Rate transmissions in 12 spectral channels. Level 1.5 image data corresponds to the geolocated and radiometrically pre-processed image data, ready for further processing, e.g. the extraction of meteorological products. Any spacecraft specific effects have been removed, and in particular, linearisation and equalisation of the image radiometry has been performed for all SEVIRI channels. The on-board blackbody data has been processed. Both radiometric and geometric quality control information is included.
Dust RGB - MSG - 0 degree
The Dust product is an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) composite based upon infrared channel data from the Meteosat Second Generation satellite. It is designed to monitor the evolution of dust storms during both day and night. But it is also useful for discrimination of cloud types (e.g. thin Cirrus detection) and detection of low level moisture. The Dust RGB is composed from data from a combination of the SEVIRI IR8.7, IR10.8 and IR12.0 channels.
Natural Colour Enhanced RGB - MSG - 0 degree
The Natural Colour Enhanced product is an RGB which utilises three SEVIRI solar channels: NIR1.6, VIS0.8 and VIS0.6. It is similar to a Natural Colour RGB product, with the difference that the ice-clouds and snow covered surfaces and clouds are not shown in typical cyan colour but in desaturated tones, i.e. in white shades, making it more natural for human perception.
Active Fire Monitoring (GRIB) - MSG - 0 degree
The active fire monitoring product is a fire detection product indicating the presence of fire within a pixel. The underlying concept of the algorithm takes advantage of the fact that SEVIRI channel IR3.9 is very sensitive to hot spots which are caused by fires. The algorithm distinguishes between potential fire and active fire. Applications and Users: Fire detection and monitoring.
Rapidly Developing Thunderstorms - MSG - 0 degree
Rapidly Developing Thunderstorms - Convection Warning product is a geostationary meteorological product for nowcasting applications. It is produced with the NWC-SAF Geo 2018 software package.